David Pujol-Perich, José Suárez-Varela, Miquel Ferriol, Shihan Xiao, Bo Wu, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Pere Barlet-Ros
IEEE Network Magazine
Recent years have seen the vast potential of graph neural networks (GNN) in many fields where data is structured as graphs (e.g., chemistry, recommender systems). In particular, GNNs are becoming increasingly popular in the field of networking, as graphs are intrinsically present at many levels (e.g., topology, routing). The main novelty of GNNs is their ability to generalize to other networks unseen during training, which is an essential feature for developing practical machine learning (ML) solutions for networking. However, implementing a functional GNN prototype is currently a cumbersome task that requires strong skills in neural network programming. This poses an important barrier to network engineers that often do not have the necessary ML expertise. In this article, we present IGNNITION, a novel open source framework that enables fast prototyping of GNNs for networking systems. IGNNITION is based on an …