Keith Anderson, Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, Noelle Fields
Columbia University Press
2 introduction are exactly what the name implies—health care and support services delivered to the residences and the neighborhoods where older adults and their family caregivers live. HCBS are cost-effective and the preferred platform for service delivery to older adults and their families. Given the benefits and capacities to provide care, HCBS may hold the key to solving the challenges of our aging society. As such, HCBS merit the attention of researchers, policy makers, and practitioners.
This book introduces you to the policies, settings, services, successes, and challenges associated with HCBS. The target audience are students in the health professions, such as nursing, social work, and allied health services (for example, physical therapy or occupational therapy). Students in public health and health care management fields also may find this topic of interest, particularly in light of the policy-related and service …