Neha Kapadia
i-Manager's Journal on Information Technology
iManager Publications
There was a popular approach to collect the toll was, driver driving a vehicle has to stop and pay the toll amount to toll collector who is sitting in a tollbooth. However, it is now viewed as toll collection process is unfeasible principally due to its adverse impact on traffic flow and its high collection costs, not to mention its effects on the environment. Different problems associated with traditional toll collection methods urged sophistication in the approach. After progressive developments resulting mostly from flawed strategies,“Electronic” Toll Collection (ETC) systems proved to suitably deal with the shortcomings. Though many different ETC schemes are in operation across the globe, the fundamental is to be able to automate vehicle identification and assess tolls requiring no action by the driver. This research was, therefore, focused on studying the varied approaches to electronic tolling while working towards a feasible solution. The approach adopted for implementing the prototype employed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The basic idea was to work with RFID chips affixed at a corner of the vehicle’s windshield. As the vehicle would pass through the toll junction, the chip would be scanned by RFID readers calibrated to the same frequency as the chips, mounted on either end, and an ID, unique to each chip, would be sent to the server via an on board WiFi module. This ID would be used as an index to look up the database, fetch the associated user’s details and assess the toll accordingly. The user would also be notified of the transaction via SMS and/or email. This would allow speedy passage of vehicles eliminating the heavy congestion. As …
N Kapadia - i-Manager's Journal on Information Technology, 2018