Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Patryk Zapadka, Lutz Kolbe
The field of Green IS research addresses the environmental challenges of our rapidly growing economy. IS-based solutions are valuable tools for emissions reduction and waste mitigation. The development of novel sustainable IS artifacts falls in the domain of Design Science Research. Applying the Design Science Research paradigm helps to design, develop, improve and implement IS related artifacts to solve prevailing problems or challenges. Hence, regarding sustainability, it acts as an aid to the goals of Green IS. Thus, the development of novel sustainable artifacts falls in the intersection of Green IS and Design Science Research.
We analyze the relationship between Design Science Research and Green IS by providing a deeper understanding of current research knowledge and opportunities at the intersection of these two important IS topics. Based on these findings, we present five directions for future research that aim to facilitate further contributions to theoretical knowledge, Design Science Research, and sustainable solution development in the field of Green IS.