Sung Kim
Hardware accelerators have become permanent features in the post-Dennard computing landscape, displacing conventional processors for a variety of applications. Not only have semiconductor power and performance limitations become more stringent, but the demand for computing power has accelerated at an unprecedented pace. Data and compute-intensive application domains -- such as machine learning, vision, and bioinformatics -- require processing power orders of magnitude greater than what general-purpose processors can provide. The requirements of emerging applications, in conjunction with the limitations associated with conventional processors, have resulted in industry-wide efforts to develop new application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designs. Nevertheless, conventional ASIC accelerators sacrifice programmability for the sake of performance and energy-efficiency -- a non-ideal state of affairs. To address the problems above, this thesis introduces an end-to-end hardware-software concept for a semi-specialized accelerator that retains ASIC-like characteristics without sacrificing software programmability. In particular, we propose hardware-software co-design techniques to (1) exploit workload characteristics in programmable accelerators via rapid hardware reconfiguration, and (2) develop a compiler stack that generates optimized, auto-parallelized application kernels. Chapter I discusses why hardware acceleration is needed, the current landscape of ASIC and general-purpose processor hardware, and identifies challenges associated with building accelerators that are both programmable and efficient. Chapter II …