Kaushik Chakrabarti, Sharad Mehrotra
VLDB Conference
Many emerging application domains require database systems to support efficient access over highly multidimensional datasets. The current state-of-the-art technique to indexing high dimensional data is to first reduce the dimensionality of the data using Principal Component Analysis and then indexing the reduceddimensionality space using a multidimensional index structure. The above technique, referred to as global dimensionality reduction (GDR), works well when the data set is globally correlated, ie most of the variation in the data can be captured by a few dimensions. In practice, datasets are often not globally correlated. In such cases, reducing the data dimensionality using GDR causes significant loss of distance information resulting in a large number of false positives and hence a high query cost. Even when a global correlation does not exist, there may exist subsets of data that are locally correlated. In this paper, we propose a technique called Local Dimensionality Reduction (LDR) that tries to find local correlations in the data and performs dimensionality reduction on the locally correlated clusters of data individually. We develop an index structure that exploits the correlated clusters to efficiently support point, range and k-nearest neighbor queries over high dimensional datasets. Our experiments on synthetic as well as real-life datasets show that our technique (1) reduces the dimensionality of the data with significantly lower loss in distance information compared to GDR and (2) significantly outperforms the GDR, original space indexing and linear scan techniques in terms of the query cost for both synthetic and real-life datasets.