Rui Miguel Jesus Rodrigues Ferreira, Guofei Liu, Lars Nilsson, Odd E Gjørv
Seoul National University
For many years, granulated blast furnace slag cements have proved to give a very high resistance against chloride pcnctration compared to that of pure portland cements. In recent years, however, more optimized, high-performance portland cements and combinations of portland cements with pozzolanic materials such as and fly ash and silica fume have been introduced for concrete structures in severe environmcnt.
In the prescnt paper, the results of an experimental investigation are reported, with thc objective to compare the resistancc against chloride penetration of different types of cement currently being used for concrete structures in chloride containing environment. These cements included two different types of granulated blastfurnace slag cement, two diffcrent typcs of high performance portland cement and one type of fly ash cement, all compared to an ordinary type of portland cement. Combinations of these …