Riyaz Sayyad, Shreya Saste, Ankur Kath, Rameshwar Dhakne
This paper presents an approach towards the solution to Maxwell’s equations using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method to work on massively parallel machines. The algorithm is explicit in nature and is especially suited to a massively parallel environment. Solution of Maxwell’s equations is carried out on a dual interleaved grid wherein the electric and magnetic field quantities are computed on different grids. The algorithm utilizes forward and backward difference interpolation schemes. The formulation used here is for the scattered field and the absorbing boundary condition is used at the outer non-reflecting boundary. This can be efficiently implemented in parallel manner using message passing interface. Different criteria for stability and accuracy need to be satisfied by the algorithm in order to provide efficient and stable code.
R Sayyad, S Saste, A Kath, R Dhakne