Gorkem Kar, Shubham Jain, Marco Gruteser, Jinzhu Chen, Fan Bai, Ramesh Govindan
The Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2017)
This paper explores the minimal dataset necessary at vehicular edge nodes, to effectively differentiate drivers using data from existing in-vehicle sensors. This facilitates novel personalization, insurance, advertising, and security applications but can also help in understanding the privacy sensitivity of such data. Existing work on differentiating drivers largely relies on devices that drivers carry, or on the locations that drivers visit to distinguish drivers. Internally, however, the vehicle processes a much richer set of sensor information that is becoming increasingly available to external services. To explore how easily drivers can be distinguished from such data, we consider a system that interfaces to the vehicle bus and executes supervised or unsupervised driver differentiation techniques on this data. To facilitate this analysis and to evaluate the system, we collect in-vehicle data from 24 drivers on a controlled campus …
G Kar, S Jain, M Gruteser, J Chen, F Bai, R Govindan - Proceedings of the Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on …, 2017