Simona Zapolskytė, Vytautas Palevičius
Mokslas–Lietuvos ateitis/Science–Future of Lithuania
The continuous increase in urban population and the complexity of urban governance encourage local authorities to use technologies that support the higher quality of urban spaces and better public service delivery. Smart city projects have become more and more popular throughout the world over the past year, although the concept of smart cities is far from unambiguous. The experience of the whole world shows that cities define themselves as smart, but in each case the meaning assigned to them is different. Smart cities are an increasingly widespread urban development strategy that addresses urban issues through new technological advances, often by storing massive amounts of data from the daily activities of city residents in order to find the most effective way to use certain systems in the future. The concept of a smart city, its various meanings, features and main aspects are discussed in this article by using scientific sources. The comparison of Vilnius as a smart city with other European cities is done.
S Zapolskytė, V Palevičius - Mokslas–Lietuvos ateitis/Science–Future of Lithuania, 2018