Luis Quesada
PhDThesis, Catholic University of Louvain
• Peter Van Roy, my supervisor, who gave me the opportunity to work as a research assistant at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) from July 2001 until April 2005 in the MISURE project. The goal of the project was the development of a system capable of automatically managing the mission of an uninhabited air vehicle, which was expected to perform a mission in hostile territory almost without the support of human operators. The constrained paths problems involved in this project motivated the research presented in this thesis.
• Yves Deville, who kindly accepted to co-supervise my thesis. His pragmatic aptitude and his long experience in constraint programming were essential in narrowing down the scope of the thesis and focusing on the fundamental issues. He also gave me the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant at UCL from October 2005 until August 2006.