Lampros Bouranis
Statistical Network Analysis with Bergm Page 1 Statistical Network Analysis with Bergm Lampros Bouranis Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow Department of Statistics Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece [email protected] October 2021 Lampros Bouranis Page 2 Development team Lampros Bouranis 1/39 Page 3 Publication details ▶ Journal of Statistical Software (Accepted). ▶ arXiv e-print: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.02444. Lampros Bouranis 2/39 Page 4 Outline 1 Getting Bergm 2 Motivation - Bergm 3 Network data 4 Exponential random graph models 5 Parameter estimation Approximate exchange algorithm Missing data augmentation 6 Goodness-of-fit diagnostics 7 Model selection 8 Pseudo-likelihood adjustment for large networks Lampros Bouranis 3/39 Page 5 Getting Bergm ▶ Bergm version 5 of the package available on CRAN. ▶ Considerable improvement in terms of usability …