D Dutcher, L Balkenhol, PAR Ade, Z Ahmed, E Anderes, AJ Anderson, M Archipley, JS Avva, K Aylor, PS Barry, R Basu Thakur, K Benabed, AN Bender, BA Benson, F Bianchini, LE Bleem, FR Bouchet, L Bryant, K Byrum, JE Carlstrom, FW Carter, TW Cecil, CL Chang, P Chaubal, G Chen, H-M Cho, T-L Chou, J-F Cliche, TM Crawford, A Cukierman, C Daley, T de Haan, EV Denison, K Dibert, J Ding, MA Dobbs, W Everett, C Feng, KR Ferguson, A Foster, J Fu, S Galli, AE Gambrel, RW Gardner, N Goeckner-Wald, R Gualtieri, S Guns, N Gupta, R Guyser, NW Halverson, AH Harke-Hosemann, NL Harrington, JW Henning, GC Hilton, E Hivon, GP Holder, WL Holzapfel, JC Hood, D Howe, N Huang, KD Irwin, OB Jeong, M Jonas, A Jones, TS Khaire, L Knox, AM Kofman, M Korman, DL Kubik, S Kuhlmann, C-L Kuo, AT Lee, EM Leitch, AE Lowitz, C Lu, SS Meyer, D Michalik, M Millea, J Montgomery, A Nadolski, T Natoli, H Nguyen, GI Noble, V Novosad, Y Omori, S Padin, Z Pan, P Paschos, J Pearson, CM Posada, K Prabhu, W Quan, S Raghunathan, A Rahlin, CL Reichardt, D Riebel, B Riedel, M Rouble, JE Ruhl, JT Sayre, E Schiappucci, E Shirokoff, G Smecher, JA Sobrin, AA Stark, J Stephen, KT Story, A Suzuki, KL Thompson, B Thorne, C Tucker, C Umilta, LR Vale, K Vanderlinde, JD Vieira, G Wang, N Whitehorn, WLK Wu, V Yefremenko, KW Yoon, MR Young, (SPT-3G Collaboration)
Physical Review D
American Physical Society
We present measurements of the -mode () polarization power spectrum and temperature--mode () cross-power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background using data collected by SPT-3G, the latest instrument installed on the South Pole Telescope. This analysis uses observations of a region at 95, 150, and 220 GHz taken over a four-month period in 2018. We report binned values of the and power spectra over the angular multipole range , using the multifrequency data to construct six semi-independent estimates of each power spectrum and their minimum-variance combination. These measurements improve upon the previous results of SPTpol across the multipole ranges for and for , resulting in constraints on cosmological parameters comparable to those from other current leading ground-based experiments. We find that the SPT-3G data set is well fit by a  …