Kanokkan Ketkaew, Wisanupong Potipiroon, Suwit Srimai
Songklanakarin Journal of Management Sciences
The business of developing mobile applications is growing. However, there are only a small number of successful applications because users do not accept or use most apps produced. This article aims to review factors affecting the adoption of mobile applications by summarizing and synthesizing the knowledge from three theories, namely, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2), and Diffusion Innovation Theory (DIT). Indeed, a theory alone can not provide a full picture of technology adoption; to date, there is a lack of systematic synthesis of these valuable theories. We have selected 25 papers in academic and research journals from SCImago & Country Rank in quartiles 1, 2, and 3 equal to 22, 1, and 2, respectively. These papers are in the area of business, management, marketing, accounting, and information technology. We summarized the factors that affected mobile application adoption from the three prominent theories (TAM, UTAUT 2, and DIT). The review indicated that the twelve factors influence mobile application in five stages of the adoption process. These are (1) External Variables (2) Perceived Usefulness (3) Perceived Ease of Use (4) Social Influence (5) Compatibility (6) Facilitating Conditions (7) Price Value (8) Trialability (9) Observability (10) Habit (11) Hedonic Motivation and (12) Attitude. This review can fill the gap to explain what factors affect each stage of the adoption process.
K Ketkaew, W Potipiroon, S Srimai - Songklanakarin Journal of Management Sciences, 2020