Christian Kurtz, Fabian Burmeister
International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2023 TREOs
Artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystems base on a set of diverse components (eg, data, AI models) provided by diverse actors (eg, AI providers, data brokers, model builders, developers). These socio-technical AI ecosystems are increasingly useful in different contexts, eg, in which organizations and individuals make decisions based on the output received. However, AI and related ecosystems may foster societal issues or violate normative values on different levels, leading to diverse questions, eg, how to shape responsible AI ecosystems (Stahl, 2022). One example is the problem of disinformation. Here, actors involved in the AI ecosystems may incorporate or promote disinformation, leading to wrong decisions and negative consequences. A second example is the violation of privacy. Since the AI models base on numerous data sets, the question arises to what extent privacy rights and data protection measures are …