Christian Kurtz, Martin Semmann, Tilo Böhmann
Proceedings of the 24th Americas’ Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans (USA)
As the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within the European Union comes into effect, organizations need to cope with novel legal requirements regarding the processing of user data and particularly how other, in the service integrated, organizations can process these. Information systems (IS) and their design as mashing up services of various providers (ecosystems) is state of practice. The GDPR raises for companies the question of how they can ensure that operations conform with external data processors according to the regulation. The approach of Privacy by Design (PbD), which is also included in the GDPR, offers for organizations a way to operationalize these legal requirements. Therefore, we conduct the first, rigorous, and systematic literature review of PbD. Specifically, we focus on works that seek implementation of PbD in organizations, located in ecosystems. The results show a surprising dearth of research in this field, although GDPR explicitly emphasizes this critical issue.