Christian Kurtz, Martin Semmann, Wolfgang Schulz
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Fransisco (USA)
Information Privacy gained visibility and rising awareness in society as well as media coverage due to the case of Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. This case demonstrates the extent of complex service ecosystems with a multitude of actors involved in actions that impact information privacy. As such ecosystems are nowadays ubiquitous the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seeks to establish responsibility regarding actions taken by data processors. With this paper, propose an analytical framework that builds on an analysis of privacy-invasive critical cases in complex service ecosystems. We applied a cross impact matrix to systematically identify critical issues. Additionally, by visualizing data flows between actors, privacy-critical issues in service ecosystems become apparent. Building on these insights privacy-related problem propositions are derived that lead to future design-oriented research directions. Thus, we propose a framework that helps scholars and practitioners to identify blind spots and privacy-critical issues in service ecosystems.