MP Voynarenko, VV Dzhedzhula, VV Hurochkina, I Yu Yepifanova, OLENA Menchynska
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Vol. 18: 424-434.
WSEAS. Unifying the Science and Engineering
Modeling of financial, socioeconomic and integration indicators of fishing enterprises in conditions of uncertainty and constant transformation requires the development of an economic and mathematical model for studying the emergent state, which would be based on a set of main factors of influence of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the dynamics of functioning. To create an expert modeling system for multifactorial analysis of the processes of functioning and management decisions of industrial enterprises, a mathematical apparatus based on the theory of fuzzy logic and a linguistic variable was used. This economic and mathematical method is a computer of mathematical algorithms, models and formalized methods and is based on the stagnation of expert linguistic information for predicting indicators of development or decline in order to form the basic mechanism for detecting latent properties of an emergent state. To develop an economic and mathematical model expert assessments and the results of analytical and experimental scientific studies of a qualitative and quantitative nature are used. Fuzzy logic modeling allows you to combine quantitative and qualitative factors and allows you to identify latent signals of emergent properties and determine the level of emergent state of industrial enterprises.
MP Voynarenko, VV Dzhedzhula, VV Hurochkina… - WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Vol …, 2021