Viktoriya Hurochkina, Svitlana Reshmidilova, Liudmyla Bohatchyk, Anatoly Telnov, Larysa Skorobogata, Natalia Riabinina
The article explores the components of the system of social capital development in the economic emergence, which focus on the financial provision of social protection and social interaction in professional activities. In order to identify the impact of the effectiveness of the implementation of the country’s social policy on the development of social capital through the achievement of systemic effects (synergistic and emergent), a four-factor model of performance and financial performance has been developed (State social support). The construction proposes an orderly set of rules for the organization and interaction of the constituent elements of the system of social capital development in the economic emergence, where subparticles with integrative relationships and influencing factors are distinguished. The results of the four factor model present a scientific and practical approach to calculating the systemic effect (synergistic and emergent effects) in the form of the results of the implementation of the properties of the system, which could not be predicted by direct calculation of the sum of the components of the system as a whole. Four factor models applied methods for detecting the isolated influence of chain substitution factors and logarithmic methods. The simulation method presented on macroeconomic factors influencing the development of social capital of Ukraine has been tested. The system of conditions for effective budget funding (financial support) for the development of social capital is presented, influencing the increase of positive and negative systemic effects.