Roger Assakaer, S Haouala, A Krairi, UCL Louvain, Aitor Cruzado, J LLorca, Polycrystalline Homogenization, S Oberpeilsteiner, D Sallerberger
1st International Workshop on Software Solutions for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
Today’s CAE world suffers from ever increasing complexity. Current challenges deal with the integration of different simulation approaches amongst each other. Very practical considerations are the source of this complexity, namely the choice of material for the targeted design. For example, in the context of lightweight design more and more metal parts are now engineered into composite structures. As soon as it comes to composites, integration is key for high quality modelling. Manufacturing procedures influence the material microstructure and lead to a distribution of local properties over the part. This effect can drastically influence the final performance and thus must be taken into account in the design procedures. Consequently, material modelling gains in importance as the link between the composite’s microstructure and the material properties needs to be build. This requires in-depth knowledge in …
R Assakaer, S Haouala, A Krairi, UCL Louvain… - 1st International Workshop on Software Solutions for …