Pri Agung Danarahmanto, Julia Famor Pratami, Emi Rohimi, Regita Novianti Nur Rahmat, Isty Youandinie, Novan Rheza Erlangga, Triska Yolanda
The health sector is a major public need that needs attention throughout the world. Issues that need attention are related to patient satisfaction problems that occur in various parts of the world, including in Indonesia. Based on research in 32 countries, shows that patient satisfaction in countries in the world is still relatively low, which is worth 34%(Deswani, 2017). Meanwhile in Indonesia, patient satisfaction ranges from 34% to 43%. Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2017. This figure is still far from the ideal condition of patient satisfaction, which is at least 80%. According to Danarahmanto et al.(2022), security, speed, up-to-date, credibility, ease of the process, and also access are important things that can encourage patient satisfaction. For areas of Indonesia that have a large population, access to health is something that needs to be considered. Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (2018), it is known that 59.71% of urban people in Indonesia find it difficult and very difficult to access health facilities, while 92.97% of rural people find it difficult and very difficult to access health facilities.
West Java is one of the most densely populated areas in Indonesia Central Statistics, Agency,(2020). which has obstacles to accessing health services. As many as 73.6% or 33 million people in West Java find it difficult to access health facilities. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This is one of the causes of the low level of satisfaction with health services in West Java. This phenomenon is reinforced by data from the West Java Government through the Public Service Information Network in 2019 …