Muhammad Umar Nasir, Muhammad Zahid Hussain, Ahmad Arsalan, Arif Wicaksono Septyanto
Natural language processing, as an integral part of artificial intelligence technology, has foundations in a variety of disciplines, including linguistics, computer science, and mathematics. Rapid advances in natural language processing provide solid backing for machine translation research. This document first sets out the key concepts and key points of computational linguistics, followed by a brief review of the history and progress of NLP research in the United States and abroad. The document then summarizes the three stages of machine translation as well as the current state of research. Historically, the advancement curves of natural language processing and machine translation have almost coincided, as well as the two complement each other. On this premise, the paper examines NLP applications in machine translation and highlights problems and trends in the fields of artificial intelligence. Finally, the authors examine the link between machine translation and human interpretation in the era of artificial intelligence and speculate on machine translations long term prospects.