Sophie Potter, Johanna Drewelies, Jenny Wagner, Sandra Düzel, Annette Brose, Ilja Demuth, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Ulman Lindenberger, Gert G Wagner, Denis Gerstorf
Psychology and Aging
Subjective well-being is often characterized by average stability across old age, but individual differences are substantial and not yet fully understood. This study targets physical and cognitive health and personality as individual difference characteristics and examines their unique and interactive roles for level and change in a number of different facets of subjective well-being. We make use of medical diagnoses, performance-based indicators of physical (grip strength) and cognitive functioning (Digit Symbol), and extraversion and neuroticism and apply parallel sets of multilevel growth models to multiyear well-being data obtained in the Berlin Aging Study 2 (N= 1,216; M age= 71; SD= 3.84; 51% women) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (N= 3,418; M age= 70; SD= 6.89; 51% women). Results revealed by and large average stability of life satisfaction, morale, and emotions (anger, fear, sadness, happiness …