Hela Marouane, Abdulhalim Dandoush, Lamine Amour, Aiman Erbad
Authorea Preprints
Recent advances in telecommunication and machine learning (ML) have allowed for new smart and autonomous vehicle applications to improve road safety, environmental conditions, and traffic management through Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) or Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication. However, with the rise of advanced cyber-attacks, the authenticity of a message guarantees its source but not its correctness. To mitigate the new sophisticated attacks, new Misbehavior Detection Systems (MDS), that use machine learning algorithms to detect misbehaving vehicles, have been proposed. This work provides first a comprehensive review of recent developments in ML-based MDS technology within a Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) context, covering data collection, feature selection, model training, model evaluation and deployment. We survey useful public datasets and summarize recent studies. We report useful pieces of information for every work. In particular, we highlight the considered dataset for ML training, list the selected ML models, indicate the feature selection and dimensionality reduction techniques, recapitulate the main results, report the performance metrics and mention the deployment guidelines when applicable. Then, we compare the surveyed studies discussing not only the strength points but also their limitations. One of the key observations from the surveyed works is the absence of a quantitative analysis of the proposed models’ execution time, which is a crucial performance metric considering the limited on-board and edge computing resources. To develop a feasible ML-based MDS for V2X communication, it is …