6th North International Conference
The aim of this research, which is aimed to be carried out, is to determine whether people whose working conditions and daily standards changed during the pandemic period exhibit anti-productive work behaviors. During the pandemic period, as there were many restrictions, many changes in the structure of the organization. Accordingly, it is important to determine the changes in the working habits of people and to determine the measures that organizations can take in this direction. For this reason, the effects of pandemic conditions on anti-productive business behavior on people working in the civil aviation sector will be examined. The reason for choosing the civil aviation sector is that it is the sector most affected by the pandemic conditions. In this study, Conway et al.(2020) with the “Pandemic Conditions” scale developed by Spector et al. It is planned to use the “Anti-Productivity Business Behaviors” scales developed by (2006). Pandemic conditions scale is under one dimension and data are collected with the help of a 5-point Likert scale. The antiproductive business behavior scale is; It consists of five sub-dimensions: withdrawal, abuse, theft, sabotage, and deviation from production. In this scale, data will be collected with the help of a 5-point Likert scale.