Morgan Boncyk, Sejla Isanovic, Sharraf Samin, Krystal Rampalli, Edward Frongillo, Rasmi Avula, Sunny Kim, Purnima Menon, Christine Blake
Current Developments in Nutrition
Objectives: Understanding drivers of food choice (DFC) is vital for guiding actions to improve diets in low-and middleincome countries (LMIC). Existing research assesses the external food environment and food consumption in LMICs, but has limited measures of food choice behaviors and their drivers, and how to validly assess these behaviors and drivers is unclear. Understanding food choice constructs is essential to develop measures and protocols. We aimed to identify and define food choice constructs at the household and individual levels and identify existing measures and instruments to assess these constructs in LMICs.
Methods: We used three methods: 1) reviewed and synthesized models of food choice to develop a list of constructs for DFC and food choice behaviors at the household and individual levels in LMICs; 2) conducted thematic coding to define, group, and connect food choice constructs; and 3) reviewed peer-reviewed and grey literature to identify research measures, instruments, and protocols for each construct. Results: Food choice constructs were identified: food choice behaviors (acquisition, preparation, food safety and storage, allocation, consumption behaviors, waste and disposal intrapersonal drivers of food behaviors (goals and priorities; habits and routines; time use; roles; identities; knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs; motivation and expectancies; preferences), sociocultural drivers (values, gender and women’s empowerment, social relationships, life course experiences), personal food environment (desirability, convenience, affordability, accessibility), material assets and resources (transportation; facilities; wealth …
M Boncyk, S Isanovic, S Samin, K Rampalli, E Frongillo… - Current Developments in Nutrition, 2023