Sharraf Samin, Eliza M Fishbein, Edward A Frongillo, Audrey L Richards, Christine E Blake, Ruth P Saunders, Cheri J Shapiro
Current Developments in Nutrition
Results: Over 180 hours of observations were conducted across the two schools. Discretionary food preparation practices (eg weighing ingredients by eye) were evident in both schools. Meals of the day were the most micronutrient-dense options, but catering staff reported they often went unchosen. Meanwhile, options such as pizzas, juice-based drinks and sweet snacks were reportedly much more popular. At both schools, the free sugar content of juice-based drinks (17.9 g; 18.5 g) and sweet snacks (15.5 g; 16.9 g) exceeded the RV for a lunch (8.6 g). Likewise, the sodium content of pizzas (928 mg; 904 mg) exceeded the RV for a lunch (714 mg), as did the saturated fat content (school 1 only)(8.1 g; RV= 7.9 g). An average lunch in both schools differed significantly from RVs for free sugar, fibre, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin D (P< 0.01).
Conclusions: Important challenges for school food providers and policymakers include reducing free sugar content and increasing the micronutrient density of school food. Contextual factors present within schools (eg catering practices, students’ food choices) should be considered when looking to enact any such school food changes.