Jesper Simonsen, Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt, John Damm Scheuer, Monika Büscher
Design Research
‘Design’as a noun refers to a specification, blueprint or plan for a particular artefact or a particular activity. It also describes the style and make-up of an artefact. A design is thus seen as the basis for and precursor to the making of an artefact or execution of an activity. The verb ‘to design’or designing, describes the human activity leading to the production of a design. In this conventional view, a designer, then, is someone who is, has been, or will be designing, that is, someone who creates designs. Moving from the noun ‘design’to the verb ‘to design’is an
J Simonsen, JO Bærenholdt, JD Scheuer, M Büscher - Design Research