Patrice Seuwou
Aggressive Stigma; the black angry girl: I don’t think I come across threatening, I don’t think I ever show that kind of attitude, but obviously a lot of stigmas around black people is that they are aggressive and we will lash out. So, I got excluded for three days. It was internal exclusion but I had to be chaperoned around all day and the other student wasn’t black but she was actually the person who would ‘bullying me’so I was the victim! Black Caribbean female-Fanta
“I live in London with my family, and then I commute when I have class. I cannot afford to rent by myself in this town. I can save on my rent. London is about […] from here, so it is not too far. I really appreciate spending time with my family and taking care of my younger sister. My mum is a single mum you know.[…] It can be sometimes challenging to be on time due to train delay. Sometimes the lecturer will not let us in the class when we are late. I sometimes have to leave early to catch my train back to London […]”~ Black Caribbean female-Lia