Ibrahim Alsharaydeh, Nail Obeidat, Othman Beni Yonis, Ahmad Abdulla
Authorea Preprints
This study was undertaken to assess the awareness of the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of Ovarian cancer, among health care professionals. And to evaluate possible measures to enhance ovarian cancer care in Jordan.
Real time surveys were completed by 75 family medicine trainees from Jordan’s Ministry of Health, and 75 final year medical students from Jordan University of Science and Technology. The survey included a case scenario with three extended match questions to cover diagnosis, initial investigations and referral to a specialised cancer unit for further review and management.
Only 5 (6.7%) family medicine trainees and 2 (2.7%) final year medical students managed to answer the three questions correctly. 60% of family medicine trainees and 40% of final year medical students correctly answered the first question on cancer diagnosis, 8% of family medicine trainees and 3% of final year medical students correctly answered the second question on the initial investigations in the primary care. 35% of family medicine trainees and 40% of final year medical students correctly answered the third question on the referral to cancer unit for further management and review.
There is an obvious need to improve awareness of risk factors, signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, to implement a robust ovarian cancer reporting system, cancer networks, and to develop a country-wide strategy to enhance ovarian cancer care in Jordan.
I Alsharaydeh, N Obeidat, OB Yonis, A Abdulla - Authorea Preprints, 2020