INTEGRATE (The UK ENT Trainee Research Network), Y Abbas, M Abdelkader, M Adams, A Addison, R Advani, T Ahmed, V Alexander, V Alexander, B Alli, S Alvi, N Amiraraghi, A Ashman, R Balakumar, J Bewick, D Bhasker, S Bola, P Bowles, N Campbell, N Can Guru Naidu, S Carrie, N Caton, J Chapman, G Chawdhary, M Cherko, M Coates, K Conroy, P Coyle, O Cozar, M Cresswell, L Dalton, J Danino, C Daultrey, K Davies, S Carrie, D Dick, PA Dimitriadis, N Doddi, M Dowling, R Easto, R Edmiston, M Ellis, D Ellul, S Erskine, A Evans, A Farboud, C Forde, J Fussey, A Gaunt, J Gilchrist, R Gohil, E Gosnell, D Grech Marguerat, R Green, R Grounds, A Hall, J Hardman, A Harris, L Harrison, R Hone, R Hopskins, E Hoskison, J Howard, K Hutson, D Ioannidis, I Iqbal, N Janjua, K Jolly, S Kamal, T Kanzara, N Keates, A Kelly, H Khan, T Korampalli, M Kuet, P Kul‐loo, FNK Kwong, R Lakhani, A Lambert, H Lancer, C Leonard, G Lloyd, E Lowe, J Mair, E Maughan, C Gao, T Mayberry, L McCadden, F McClenaghan, G McKenzie, R Mcleod, S Meghji, N Mehta, M Mian, K Milinis, A Millington, O Mirza, S Mistry, E Molena, J Morris, T Myuran, A Navaratnam, E Noon, O Okonkwo, B Oremule, L Pabla, E Papesch, V Puranik, R Roplekar, E Ross, J Rudd, E Schechter, A Senior, N Sethi, S Sharma, R Sharma, F Shelton, Z Sherazi, A Slovick, ME Smith, C Swords, A Tahir, T Tikka, O Tkachuk Hlinicanova, K To, A Tse, E Toll, K Ubayasiri, S Unadkat, N Upile, A Vijendren, H Walijee, M Wilkie, RJ Williams, M Williams, G Wilson, W Wong, G Wong, C Xie, A Yao, H Zhang
Clinical Otolaryngology
To investigate factors affecting the haemostatic success of non‐dissolvable intranasal packs in the management of acute epistaxis presenting to the emergency department (ED).
Prospective cohort study.
A nationwide prospective audit examining epistaxis management at 113 sites in the UK over a 30‐day period.
Patients 16 years or older, presenting to the ED with acute epistaxis managed with non‐dissolvable intranasal packs.
Main outcome measures
The primary outcome was pack success, defined as successful haemostasis following nasal pack removal, not requiring further packing or surgical intervention or interventional radiology.
A cohort of 969 patients presented with epistaxis to the ED, with nasal packs being inserted in 54.4% by ED staff and by ENT in a further 18.9%. Overall, nasal packs were successful in 87.5%. Longer duration packs (≥21 …
INTEGRATE (The UK ENT Trainee Research Network)… - Clinical Otolaryngology, 2020