Rasuna Talib
Reading skill is an important skill for English language students in today’s world. It holds up the development of student’s ability in understanding the valuableinformation of a certain text. Therefore, the teachers or lecturers is expected to choose and to teach strategies of reading, for instance generating questions. It deals with improving student’s knowledge, understanding, and memory of what they have read. The objective of research is to find out whether generating questions strategy can increase the ability of students to comprehend the English reading skill. The population of research is the fourth semester students of English Department. The sample size is 29 students who were selected by purpose sampling technique. The method used is quasiexperimental method by using one group pre-test and post-test design. The data are analyzed by using t-test, namely paired sample test, at the significance level 0.05. The research finding shows that generating questions strategy has effect on the