Aleksander Aristovnik, Damijana Keržic, Nina Tomaževic, Lan Umek
International Association for Development of the Information Society
International Association for the Development of the Information Society
Blended learning is already a strongly established way of teaching in higher education. In support of face-to-face teaching, e-courses may vary in structure, assignments, prompt examinations, interaction between students and teachers etc. In the paper, we present an analysis of factors that influence the usefulness of e-courses as perceived by students. A survey was conducted among students of the public administration programme at the Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana. Students evaluated 13 different aspects of e-courses in which they were enrolled. These aspects were assessed on a 7-point opinion scale. Results obtained in the survey were connected with certain demographic data, such as gender, high school final grade, year of study, study programme etc. A multiple linear regression was used with perceived usefulness as the response (dependent) variable and the 12 other e-course aspects as predictors (independent) variables. Further, the same regression
A Aristovnik, D Keržic, N Tomaževic, L Umek - International Association for Development of the …, 2016