Jonathan Rosenberg, Henning Schulzrinne, Gonzalo Camarillo, Alan Johnston, Jon Peterson, Robert Sparks, Mark Handley, Eve Schooler
RFC 3261, Internet Engineering Task Force
RFC 3261: SIP: Session Initiation Protocol [RFC Home] [TEXT|PDF|HTML] [Tracker] [IPR] [Errata] [Info page] Updated by: 3265, 3853, 4320, 4916, 5393, 5621, 5626, PROPOSED STANDARD 5630, 5922, 5954, 6026, 6141, 6665, 6878, 7462, 7463, 8217, 8591, 8760, 8898, 8996 Errata Exist Network Working Group J. Rosenberg Request for Comments: 3261 dynamicsoft Obsoletes: 2543 H. Schulzrinne Category: Standards Track Columbia UG Camarillo Ericsson A. Johnston WorldCom J. Peterson Neustar R. Sparks dynamicsoft M. Handley ICIR E. Schooler AT&T June 2002 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol Status of this Memo This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. …
J Rosenberg, H Schulzrinne, G Camarillo, A Johnston… - 2002
J Rosenberg, H Schulzrinne, G Camarillo, A Johnston… - 2002
J Rosenberg, H Schulzrinne, G Camarillo, A Johnston… - The Internet Society, 2002
J Rosenberg, H Schulzrinne, G Camarillo, A Johnston… - 2002
UA SIP, J Rosenberg, H Schulzrinne, G Camarillo… - Network Working Group, Request for Comments, 2002
J Rosenberg; H. Schulzrinne; G. Camarillo; A. Johnston … - 2002
G Camarillo, A Johnston, J Peterson, R Sparks… - 2002