Albertus Henny Setyawan, Rachmawan Adwitia Atmaja, Nilo Legowo
In facing the current technological developments, Kanisius School must continue to develop and dare to take steps to innovate in the process of education services. Therefore the school needs to create a framework, methods and management practices in managing IS/IT in the school. This research uses a case study approach that focuses on the application of TOGAF Framework as a reference in designing E-Learning at Kanisius School. Besides, Enterprise Architecture utilizes information and communication technology to support the organization's operational activities and enhance the ability of data integration between parts of the organization. For modeling using UML such as Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram described using PowerDesigner software by SAP. The results of this study are a blueprint of E-learning systems in Kanisius School. This Blueprint can be used as a reference in the future for developing the E-Learning system at Kanisius School.