S Saranya, K Dinesh
Loadbalancing is the key of cloudcomputing environment. Loadbalancing main function is solving the unbalance or overload problem. Now a days many algorithm using for solve this problem. In this project we introduce load balancer concept. The cloud sever transfer all load to the load balancer. Load balancer concerned with the number of strong nodes and weak nodes. Strong nodes represent the normal load and weak nodes represent the heavy load or overload. Strong nodes and weak nodes denoted green and yellow colour respectively. Loadbalancer split the load among these node and also intimate the normal and overload node. The yellow colour or overload node loads are charged by neighbour node in cyclic manner using this algorithm and also make quick recovery of overload node. Loadbalncer maintain the index for server loading process and create database backup on server when any malicious attack the server. Main objective of this paper is solve the overload problem and make efficient searching process on cloud environment.