Kai Wistrand
Örebro universitet
Kai Wistrand (2009): Method Rationale Revealed–Communication of Knowledge in Systems Development Methods. Örebro Studies in Informatics 1, 206 pp.
The practice of developing information systems with the support of information systems development methods is not new. A vast number of systems development methods have been suggested over the years in an attempt to solve the problems a development organisation might encounter. From early approaches like the Waterfall model to more modern monolithic methods such as the Rational Unified Process and the newest approaches exemplified in the Agile methods, the ambition has often been to find the silver bullet and the most effective ways to produce quality systems. Methods are prescriptive by nature as they suggest action and as such they represent rationale. Thus, one can speak of a method rationale as the dimension within methods that motivate their existence. Method rationale is understood as the goal and value rational relations between a method’s underlying philosophy and its proposed actions.