Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications
Contributors:, A. Adams-Progar, D. W. Archer, G. Ascheid, N. Bajcinca, P. Bellavista, A. Cauševic, A. Clesti, C. E. Crawford, G. Dartmann, M. Ö. Demir, Jean P. Ducasse, T. W. Edgar, M. Fazio, G. A. Fink, H. Fotouhi, L. Ge, N. Golmie, D. Griffith, Md. M. Hasan, M. Henze, J. Hiller, Christopher M. Hoxie, R. Hummen, J. Jin, J. Kaur, Sye L. Keoh, H. Ko, A. Kobekova, J. Kosseff, Karablut Kurt G., H. Laux, D. Llewellyn, F. Longo, V. Lücken, K. Lundqvist, D. G. MacDonald, S. Mallapuram, R. Matzutt, J. A. Mauth, G. Merlino, R. Montanari, H. T. Mouftah, P. Moulema, J. Nikolai, P. Ostovari, P. Piscioneri, A. Puliafito, J. Raines, Theora R. Rice, Alan C. Rither, D. Su, H. Tawalbeh, L. A. Tawalbeh, J. Tonejc, E. Walker, Y. Wang, K. Wehrle, S. Wendzel, J. Wu
Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications edited by Song, Houbing; Fink, Glenn; Jeschke, Sabina
John Wiley & Sons; Editors: Song, Houbing; Fink, Glenn; Jeschke, Sabina;