William Healy, Wenqi Guo, CA Pacific Grove
Proceedings of the 2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
Numerous deployments of net-zero energy homes have demonstrated the technical feasibility of the concept, yet the power requirements of many net-zero energy homes could have a negative impact on the utility grid or on-site storage applications. Power profiles of net-zero energy homes need to be considered in assessing energy performance and helping electric utilities plan for a proliferation of such homes. This work presents a series of previouslydeveloped analysis methods and metrics to characterize power profiles in net-zero energy homes and applies them to a single-family net-zero demonstration facility. These methods and metrics stress annual and seasonal peak power demand and identify the key loads that contribute to peak power. Additionally, this work describes the temporal variability in power consumed or exported to the grid using a bumpiness metric and standard deviations. The results show that the most significant minute-to-minute variations in power are caused by the heat pump’s defrost cycles and cloud cover on the photovoltaics. This paper also reports the peak derivatives in the power profile and their respective times of occurrence.