Panpan Zhou, Meng Yuan, Ge Song, Nathan Beutler, Namir Shaabani, Deli Huang, Wan-ting He, Xueyong Zhu, Sean Callaghan, Peter Yong, Fabio Anzanello, Linghang Peng, James Ricketts, Mara Parren, Elijah Garcia, Stephen A Rawlings, Davey M Smith, David Nemazee, John R Teijaro, Thomas Rogers, Ian A Wilson, Dennis R Burton, Raiees Andrabi
A protective broadly cross-reactive human antibody defines a conserved site of vulnerability on beta-coronavirus spikes | PREPRINT-BIORXIV loading 1 2 3 +A A -A 3.A protective broadly cross-reactive human antibody defines a conserved site of vulnerabili This article is a Preprint Preprints are preliminary research reports that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information. Preprints posted online allow authors to receive rapid feedback and the entire scientific community can appraise the work for themselves and respond appropriately. Those comments are posted alongside the preprints for anyone to read them and serve as a post publication assessment. A protective broadly cross-reactive human antibody defines a conserved site of vulnerability on beta-coronavirus spikes …