Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Amir Javadpour, Forough Ja’fari, Weizhe Zhang, Shadi Mahmoodi Khaniabadi
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems
Each group in a data-driven automobile network has its cluster head. A group can communicate with each other and members of other groups once it has been founded. Vehicles belonging to each group near the other group allow intergroup communication. Because nodes in automotive networks move so quickly, routing in these networks is a complex problem to solve. Each cluster in hierarchical clustering can be partitioned into multiple sub-clusters. Put another way, and the data is stored in a cluster, which is then divided into more clusters. The data is stored directly in separate clusters in non-hierarchical approaches. A dendrogram is a type of hierarchical tree. We anticipate increasing information sharing in clusters by properly clustering vehicles on the road and establishing clusters of the desired size in the relevant dendrogram. We can select clusters of the necessary extent and compare the Quality of …
AK Sangaiah, A Javadpour, F Ja'fari, W Zhang… - IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2022