Diego Useche, Vincenzo Butticè
SSRN Electronic Journal. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4830335 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4830335
This study examines gender and ethnic differences among early-stage rewards-based crowdfunding entrepreneurs based in the US. In particular, we focus on ethnic women entrepreneurs and examine differences in the value of different types of signals relative to other US-based entrepreneurs seeking to start a business on Kickstarter. Addressing the self-selection of ethnic entrepreneurs, we found that ethnic women entrepreneurs are associated with lower crowds of local backers relative to other types of entrepreneurs. We also found differences in the value of different types of signals depending on the type of entrepreneur. For ethnic women entrepreneurs, who appear to be the less legitimate entrepreneurs with local supporters, the value of internal signals such as self-reported education and commitment is limited compared to non-ethnic entrepreneurs. In contrast, external signals such as the selection of platform staff play a positive and more important role. Academic, practical and policy implications are discussed in the light of signaling, gender and ethnic entrepreneurship theories.