Yi Tay, Luu Anh Tuan, Siu Cheung Hui
WWW 2018
This paper proposes a new neural architecture for collaborative ranking with implicit feedback. Our model, LRML (Latent Relational Metric Learning) is a novel metric learning approach for recommendation. More specifically, instead of simple push-pull mechanisms between user and item pairs, we propose to learn latent relations that describe each user item interaction. This helps to alleviate the potential geometric inflexibility of existing metric learning approaches. This enables not only better performance but also a greater extent of modeling capability, allowing our model to scale to a larger number of interactions. In order to do so, we employ a augmented memory module and learn to attend over these memory blocks to construct latent relations. The memory-based attention module is controlled by the user-item interaction, making the learned relation vector specific to each user-item pair. Hence, this can be …