Vishakha Agrawal, Simran Bhurat, Oindrilla Banerjee, Vindhya Malagi, Viraj Kumar
In 2009, an influential survey of Indian IT businesses conducted by NASSCOM and McKinsey found that a mere 26% of Indian engineering graduates were employable [1]. A more recent joint study by Aspiring Minds and NASSCOM found that employability remains low [2]. Aspiring Minds specializes in filtering job applicants, and it has broken down employability data from 2016 [3] and 2019 [4] according to multiple factors, including gender. Both these reports find that females are less employable than males (as per Aspiring Minds’ objective testing criteria), and the percentage of employable females appears to have declined from 2016 to 2019 in both product-based companies (from 2.71% to 2.54%) and service-based companies (from 17.5% to 15.5%). Note that this issue is distinct from the wellstudied “pipeline shrinkage problem”, which is concerned with the decline in females (relative to males) entering …