Laura Corti
Università Campus Bio-Medico
The thesis aims to build a stereoscopic approach capable of integrating science and phenomenology for the study of sensitivity technologies. The contemporary developments of Artificial Intelligence show a tendency to implement, in artificial machines, qualitative states whose status refers, in a necessary way, to a dimension of the first person, such as emotions, sensations and feelings. The emergence of machines capable of having qualitative states, such as robots that have emotions or as prostheses capable of having tactile feedback, brings to light a double aspect of these technologies. On the one hand, they are made according to the principles of objectivity and mechanism, showing a profound adherence to the scientific vision dominated by objectivity and measurement of reality. On the other hand, sensitivity undermines this paradigm, revealing the undeniable role of a first-person ontological status and thus calling into question the methodological approach of phenomenology. The central question of the work is articulated starting from the possibility of constructing a new approach capable of putting these paradigms into dialogue, that is science and phenomenology, which at first glance seem to be delineated as antithetical. The main starting point for the construction of a new vision comes from the epistemology of complexity. Through the notion of complementarity, therefore, the thesis tries to demonstrate the possibility of constructing a stereoscopic approach, called quantum-qualitative. It can be divided into two main aspects: 1) The creation of a new empirical method of qualitative research, based on the notions of degree and intensity. 2 …