Domingo Sifontes
3rd ECPR General Conference, Budapest,September 8-10.
The rising of independent regulatory agencies is a common characteristic of Latin America Telecommunication sector after the liberalization and privatization process carried on during the eighties. The institutional and regulatory framework of the region vary across countries. In order to compare the different design of the telecommunication regulation, we use an independence index of regulatory agencies following Gilardi (2002) and Johansen (2003) methodology. This index is applied to thirteen Latin American countries. The results show that the most independent agency of the telecommunication sector in Latin America is the Bolivian agency, and the less independent is the Chilean agency. On the other hand, the most important factors in designing the regulatory framework are: the links between the government and the parliament, the financial and organizational autonomy and the regulatory competencies. The institutional design of Latin America telecommunication sector promotes more the technical and functional independence than the political power and regulated firms independence.