Jae Hyun Yang, Motoshi Hayano, Patrick T Griffin, João A Amorim, Michael S Bonkowski, John K Apostolides, Elias L Salfati, Marco Blanchette, Elizabeth M Munding, Mital Bhakta, Yap Ching Chew, Wei Guo, Xiaojing Yang, Sun Maybury-Lewis, Xiao Tian, Jaime M Ross, Giuseppe Coppotelli, Margarita V Meer, Ryan Rogers-Hammond, Daniel L Vera, Yuancheng Ryan Lu, Jeffrey W Pippin, Michael L Creswell, Zhixun Dou, Caiyue Xu, Sarah J Mitchell, Abhirup Das, Brendan L O'Connell, Sachin Thakur, Alice E Kane, Qiao Su, Yasuaki Mohri, Emi K Nishimura, Laura Schaevitz, Neha Garg, Ana Maria Balta, Meghan A Rego, Meredith Gregory-Ksander, Tatjana C Jakobs, Lei Zhong, Hiroko Wakimoto, Jihad El Andari, Dirk Grimm, Raul Mostoslavsky, Amy J Wagers, Kazuo Tsubota, Stephen J Bonasera, Carlos M Palmeira, Jonathan G Seidman, Christine E Seidman, Norman S Wolf, Jill A Kreiling, John M Sedivy, George F Murphy, Richard E Green, Benjamin A Garcia, Shelley L Berger, Philipp Oberdoerffer, Stuart J Shankland, Vadim N Gladyshev, Bruce R Ksander, Andreas R Pfenning, Luis A Rajman, David A Sinclair
Cell Press
(Cell 186, 305–326. e1–e14; January 19, 2023) Our paper used a system called “ICE”(inducible changes to the epigenome) to study whether a loss of epigenetic information leads to aging and whether the expression of a subset of Yamanka factors can reverse these age-associated changes, as tests of the Information Theory of Aging. We provide additional information about our experimental design and reference previous, relevant papers from our group and others that had not been cited in the original submission. We apologize for any confusion that may have arisen due to this information not being available in the original published paper. In our Correction, we add details about the transgenic construct design, tamoxifen administration, and temporal and spatial control of I-PpoI in the Results, Discussion, and STAR Methods sections. Our I-PpoI papers looking at the genotoxic stress response in DNA-damage-sensitive cell types have been referenced. The article has now been corrected online, and the corrected texts are provided below. In the Results section, the original sentence read:“To test our hypothesis in vivo, we performed whole-body I-PpoI expression in 4-to 6-month-old mice for 3 weeks (Figure 1L).” The corrected sentence now reads:“To test our hypothesis in vivo, we performed whole-body I-PpoI expression in 4-to 6-month-old mice for 3 weeks by providing TAM in the diet, rather than TAM intraperitoneal injections, to limit the amount of I-PpoI expressed so genotoxic stress would not arise (Figure 1L).” In the Discussion section, the original sentence read:“… In this paper, we show that non-mutagenic DSB repair…” The corrected …