Esayas Gebreyouhannes, K Maekawa
6th International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering
The degradation of shear transfer due to aggregate interlocking mechanism under single sided fatigue loading was experimentally investigated in cracked normal strength concrete. Based on the experimental results, an analytical model was proposed in which damage is expressed in terms of the accumulated normalized shear slip with respect to the associated crack opening. The proposed model can be used to extend the range of applicability of previously developed models for the static response of cracked interfaces subjected to shear.
For the purpose of experimental investigation, a vertical single crack was introduced on plain concrete specimens, by splitting, and a finite lateral stiffness was provided to counteract the free dilation. Shear fatigue loading was then applied and the development of shear slip, crack opening and confining stress were recorded with cycling of load. A total of four specimens were tested. Of which one was subjected to static loading and the other three were subjected to fatigue loading, at a frequency of 1.5 Hz. Constant amplitude levels at low, moderate and high load levels were treated to investigate the sensitivity of damage to the loading amplitude.
E Gebreyouhannes, K Maekawa - 6th International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 2006