Sujit Biswas, Kashif Sharif, Fan Li, Boubakr Nour, Yu Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain (BC) technologies have been dominating their respective research domains for some time. IoT offers automation at the finest level in different fields, while BC provides secure transaction processing for asset exchanges. The capability of IoT devices to generate transactions prompts their integration with BC as the next logical step. The biggest challenges in this integration are the scalability of ledger and rate of transaction execution in BC. On one hand, due to their large numbers, IoT devices will generate transactions at a rate which current block chain solutions cannot handle. On the other hand, implementing BC peers onto IoT devices is impossible due to resource constraints. This prohibits direct integration of both technologies in their current state. In this paper, we propose a solution to address these challenges by using a local peer network to bridge the gap. It restricts the …
S Biswas, K Sharif, F Li, B Nour, Y Wang - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018