Keith Henderson, Brian Gallagher, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Hanghang Tong, Sugato Basu, LemanAkoglu DanaiKoutra ChristosFaloutsos, Lei Li
Given a network, intuitively two nodes belong to the same role if they have similar structural behavior. Roles should be automatically determined from the data, and could be, for example, "clique-members," "periphery-nodes," etc. Roles enable numerous novel and useful network-mining tasks, such as sense-making, searching for similar nodes, and node classification. This paper addresses the question: Given a graph, how can we automatically discover roles for nodes? We propose RolX (Role eXtraction), a scalable (linear in the number of edges), unsupervised learning approach for automatically extracting structural roles from general network data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RolX on several network-mining tasks: from exploratory data analysis to network transfer learning. Moreover, we compare network role discovery with network community discovery. We highlight fundamental differences between …
K Henderson, B Gallagher, T Eliassi-Rad, H Tong… - Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international …, 2012
KHBGT Eliassi, RH Tong, LADKL Li, SBC Faloutsos